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应对气候变化国际交通研讨会 第五期 大数据驱动的纯电动汽车运行安全性和经济性研究及测评技术


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Climate Change Challenges (CCC) International Transportation Webinars


CCC 5 -Data-Driven Economy and Safety Evaluation for Battery Electric Vehicles

第五期 大数据驱动的纯电动汽车运行安全性和经济性研究及测评技术

Co-Sponsors / 主办单位:

China Highway & Transportation Society (CHTS) / 中国公路学会(CHTS)

Transportation Research Board (TRB) / 美国交通运输研究会(TRB)

ERTICO - ITS Europe / 欧洲智能交通协会(ERTICO)

International Road Federation (IRF) / 国际道路联合会(IRF)

European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI) / 欧洲交通运输研究会(ECTRI)

Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) / 海外华人交通协会(COTA)

Organizer / 承办单位:

Beijing University of Technology / 北京工业大学 (BJUT)

Beijing Institute of Technology / 北京理工大学 (BIT)

Date / 日期: 

07:00 AM, March 21, 2023 US EDT Time 

12:00 PM, March 21, 2023 CET Time

19:00 PM, March 21, 2023 Beijing Time

Registration Information / 注册链接:

https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cJ8T1jb-Rp2hMNZqwYoUEQ(请复制到浏览器中打开或扫描二维码)(Please scan the QR code or copy the link to register)

Description / 背景:

As a promising solution to achieve the commitment to carbon-neutral & carbon-zero worldwide, the global electric vehicle (EV) market share has taken a tremendous leap forward in the past few years. However, to make the EV as competitive as its ICE counterparts, the driving range per charge and charging convenience are two key questions to answer. With the rapid development of IT and big data technology applications in automotive, the proposed webinar is expected to provide a platform to share the latest developments on powertrain design and battery safety control for battery electric vehicles.

This webinar will explore ways to extend the driving range by optimizing the powertrain structure and parameters without increasing the expensive and heavy battery packs; Data-driven battery safety control techniques including battery state-of-health estimation, cell inconsistency evaluation and fault diagnosis.


Agenda / 议程

CCC 5 Agenda 议程安排

7:00 – 7:15

Moderator / 主持人

Ms Guan Nina, Director of International Cooperation Department, CHTS


Opening and Welcoming Remarks / 欢迎致辞

Victoria Sheehan, Executive Director of Transportation Research Board


Mr. Liu Wenjie, Vice President and Secretary General of China Highway and Transportation Society


Prof. Jinxin Guo, Deputy Director, International Collaboration Office, Beijing University of Technology


7:15 – 7:20

Thematic Introduction 主题介绍

Prof. Jiageng Ruan, Intelligent Research Institute, Department of Materials and Manufacturing, Beijing University of Technology



专家报告 Presentations

Date-Driven Charging Facility Planning and Management Technology

Prof. Lei Zhang, National Engineering Laboratory for Electric Vehicles, School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology


Battery Degradation Diagnosis with Dield Data, Impedance-based Modeling and Artificial Intelligence

M. Sc. Jue Chen, Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, RWTH AACHEN University, Germany

陈珏,亚琛工业大学 ISEA研究所博士生

Prognostics of Battery Capacity for On-road Vehicles

Dr. Zhongwei Deng, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology


A Quantitative Research on Driving Behavior Economy Based on Big Data of Pure Electric City Bu

Prof. Bin Li, Vice Director of Automobile Engineering Department, Chang’An University


Trends in EV design and batteries and life-cycle implications

Prof. Alissa Kendall, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, the United States


(15 mins each)

8:35 – 9:20

Panel Discussion 讨论

Moderator / 主持人

Prof. Jiageng Ruan, Beijing University of Technology

阮嘉赓,北京工业大学材料与制造学部 智能机械研究院特聘教授

Panelists 讨论嘉宾

Presentation experts and invited panelists

9:20 – 9:30

Conclusion 总结与展望

Christos S. Xenophontos, Co-chair of International Coordinating Council, TRB/ 克里斯托斯·色诺芬托斯,美国交通运输研究会国际合作委员会主席



